This summer I finally bought a 808 key chain camera. I have to say that when I received it, it was a little smaller then I though it was going to be. I was thinking it was going to be a regular key fob size but its actually a little smaller than that. After some shots around work I found the picture resolution isnt that great but its the video quality that really matters. After some of the quick videos I soon realized that the video quality is about (if not better) then my FlyCamOne2.
After using the first camera for a couple of months I bought another one so I could have a couple of different angles on the plane in flight. I ended up strapping one to a very overpowered plane and the wing snapped on the first flight and ended up in multiple pieces. This is when I found the only downside to these cameras. If the power is turned off or the battery runs out in mid flight you will loose the entire video as the camera wont save it.
After using these little cameras for the last 11 months I can say its the best camera I have ever owned for the price. The camera takes a decent picture and the video quality is good. For the price I can afford a handful of them and Im not worried about destroying or losing one.
Here are some links to some on board video of my Typhoon 2 and a Jato 3.3
Typhoon 2 Compilation
Jato 3.3 Onboard
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